Monday, April 28, 2008

Musical chairs.

I know I shamelessly use this blog to talk about my day, and I’m sorry. Well, I’m not genuinely sorry – it’s entertaining for me, and if you don’t like it, you can always stop reading. Deal?

Despite the frustration of the public transit strike, this weekend was an amazing one involving lovely out-of-town visitors and lots of random events. And between wandering through Kensington market and watching Planet Earth, I managed to catch two great shows.

Friday night brought us to the elMo where Nevado Records was putting on a showcase. We came in a bit late for Elephant, but what we heard sounded pretty cool. You can check them out here. The real draw was Fox Jaws, a band from Barrie whose sound is kind of like an ageless soul-country-rock hybrid. While the performance was great, it truly was vocalist Carleigh Aikins who stole the show. A cute brunette with pixie hair, she looked almost shy as she took the stage. But when she started belting (there is no better word) the songs into the microphone, the audience simultaneously turned to look at each other, nodding approvingly. Don’t get me wrong, the whole outfit is incredibly talented and their synergy (everyone’s favourite word) is phenomenal. Keep an eye on these guys.

Saturday involved a LOT of walking, incredibly random bar hopping (party at a backpackers’ hostel?) followed by the narrations of Sir David Attinborough (if you have no idea what I am talking about, do yourself a favour and click here).

Sunday sealed the weekend with a magical note, with a birthday brunch to which we contributed Nelly Frittatas (arguably the worst pun ever). After an afternoon of lawn bowling and mimosas, we went to Soundscapes for a Born Ruffians in-store concert. While their mellow set list was perfect for our overtired mood, the store acoustics were sort of reminiscent of blaring the radio in a car with cheap speakers. Plus it was super hot. But if you’ve never seen this band live, you’re missing out – they have so much fun performing, it’s really refreshing. Below are a few songs from their latest album, Red, Yellow and Blue.

This week: Over the Top festival! More to come!


Born Ruffians – Kurt Vonnegut

Born Ruffians – Hedonistic Me

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